My work
I work closely with my clients to create beautifully crafted websites that change the way we do things.
Below is a small selection of some of my work. If you have an idea that you’d like me to help you realise, drop me a line.

Tap away in this simple, yet addictive game. Play any of the 7 different game modes to beat your scores and see how you will fair against your friends.
This game, originally titled ‟Tapster”, was created by Ryan Szemplinski using some general concepts found in the hit game ‟Don’t Tap the White Tile”. I saw potential in the game and began to restructure, enhance, and integrate some new concepts. We have worked together to create what you see today in this popular, simplistic, addicting game.
- Seven extremely addicting game modes
- Leaderboards and Achievements
- Store adds ‟Play On” feature
- Over 100+ downloads

Hidden Perception
A beautiful 2D platformer unlike any you have played before. Platforms, when visible, must be used to get to the end of the level. Hidden platforms can be discovered by throwing balls at them!
This game was made within a 52 hour period using the Unity Game Engine as a part of Game Jame at MyFarms.
Game is undergoing further development to support multiplatforms and add more features to make the game stronger and a better experience to play.
Featured on a variety of sites such as Kongregrate, newgrounds, Y05.com, and i6.com.
Initial bugs detected and immediately fixed to allow over 2,000 unique visitors to visit and play Hidden Perception in alpha.
- Quick to learn game
- Over 2,000 plays within first day of release
- New levels added regularly
Download Now

A beautiful portfolio website created for graphic designer Matthew Morse that holds the contents of hundreds of his pieces in a beautiful, well-thought out manner.
This site allows for an admin to login and add and remove images in multiple galleries.
- Content management system for artwork
- Multiple galleries
- Paralax scrolling
- Slideshows for an interactive feel
- Mobile friendly
Other Facts
- Layout and overall theme by Matthew Morse
- Created using custom made PHP